Kudos to Tobias, who in 2013 earned a Bachelor of Science, summa cum laude, at the University of Oregon with a major in physics and minor in organic chemistry. Tobias is currently a graduate student researcher at the University of California at Santa Barbara. His advisor is Dr. Christopher Palmstrøm in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department. Dr. Palmstrøm is a leader in the field of electronic materials grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). Tobias’ current interests include thermoelectric, superconducting, and spintronic materials and his current main project focuses on the interface of Fe grown on MgO substrates, a magnetic system with the potential to replace traditional computer RAM.
April 15, 2014
Tobias Brown-Heft, SOS Alumni, Physics, Spring 2014

I live and work in Eugene, Oregon. As a program manager at the University of Oregon I manage a myriad of outreach activities almost exclusively in the sciences with grades K-12. I also manage several nationally funded grant programs.
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