Kudos to Alex Schachtner who was selected to attend 2014 University of Florida Materials Physics REU. He will be working for Professor Andrew Rinzler, who specializes in next-generation graphene- and carbon nanotube-enhanced semiconductors and transistors. These devices have the potential to revolutionize screen-based devices as their primary application would be flexible screens, or replacement of non-pliable organic LEDs for screen technologies.
May 21, 2014
Alex Schachtner, SOS, Physics, Summer 2014

I live and work in Eugene, Oregon. As a program manager at the University of Oregon I manage a myriad of outreach activities almost exclusively in the sciences with grades K-12. I also manage several nationally funded grant programs.
Posts by Chris
Bettie Wanjeri, SOS Scholar, BioChemistry, Summer 2014
September 22, 2014
Daniel Mulkey, SOS Alumni, Summer 2014
June 18, 2014
Congratulations June 2014 Graduates
June 18, 2014
Tobias Brown-Heft, SOS Alumni, Physics, Spring 2014
April 15, 2014
Rebecka Tumblin, SOS Alumni, Physics, Spring 2014
April 15, 2014
Comments by Chris